Climbers for Temperate Climates - Shady Positions
Marianthus bicolor
2 |
Painted Billardiera |
Celastrus australis
2, 3 |
Staff Vine |
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Cissus antarctica
2, 3 |
Kangaroo Vine |
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Clematis glycinoides |
Headache Vine |
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Dampiera hederacea |
Karri Dampiera |
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Freycinetia excelsa |
Climbing Pandan |
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Geitonoplesium cymosum
2 |
Scrambling Lily |
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Melodinus australis
3 |
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Morinda jasminoides
2, 3 |
Sweet Morinda |
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Pandorea pandorana |
Wonga Wonga Vine |
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Passiflora cinnabarina
2 |
Red Passionflower |
Passiflora herbertiana
2 |
Native Passionfruit |
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Pronaya fraseri
2 |
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- Requires some protection
- Tolerates light to moderate frosts
- Can be very vigourous in these climatic zones
- better grown away from buildings
- Shrubby climber
- Good under cover in cool temperature
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