Caption: A, B, Plants. C, D, Stem leaves. E, F, Perichaetial leaves. G?I, Cells of the leaf apex. J, Cells of dorsal lamina and upper part of vaginant laminae. K, Cells of proximal part of vaginant lamina of stem leaf. L, Cells of proximal part of vaginant lamina of perichaetial leaf. M, N, Cells of basal part of dorsal lamina. O, Section of leaf through apical lamina. P, R, Sections of leaf through dorsal and vaginant laminae. S, T, Stem sections. U, Exothecial cells. NSW: Pholis Gap Track, Mount Nardi (Nightcap) Natl Park, I.G.Stone 25948 (MEL 2341952).Illustrators: R.D. Seppelt
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