In Flower This WeekA weekly news-sheet prepared by a Gardens volunteerNumbers in brackets [ ] refer to garden bed 'Sections'. |
The pots at the entrance to the Visitor Centre contain some striking blue flowers. Alyogyne ‘Westcoast Gem’ has a deep blue hibiscus-like flower. Dampiera lavandulaceae is massed with small blue flowers and Dampiera linearis is dense with yet a lighter shade of blue. As the Gardens are now so colourful with the spring array of flowers, this walk will concentrate on a selection in the Rock Garden.
The white waratah, Telopea speciosissima ‘Wirrimbirra White’ [Section 15D] is increasingly magnificent for greenish-cream buds are now exploding to large, almost white flower heads. Cryptandra scortechinii [Section 15C] is a low spreading plant well covered with small, woolly, rounded white flower clusters. Grevillea ‘Poorinda Royal Mantle’ [Section 15D] completely covers the rocks down to the waterfall. Its dull red buds are just opening to deep red toothbrush-like flowers. In front of the picturesque grass trees, Xanthorrhoea johnsonii [Section 15D] with their well-manicured fine green radiating leaves, the bright red flowers of Grevillea dimorpha [Section 15D] are conspicuous along the upright open branches. Close to the path, discover the small clumps of Early Nancy, Wurmbea dioica [Section 15D], about 8 cm. tall, bearing white open flowers with purple markings. These members of the Lily family grow from bulbs and are common in Canberra bushland.
Eremophila maculata var. brevifolia [Section 15F] is a small, long-flowering shrub displaying its burgundy-coloured tubular flowers. Above it is Guichenotia macrantha [Section 15F], an upright open plant prettily arranged with pendent pink bell-shaped flowers with scalloped edges. Boronia megastigma ‘Virtuoso’ [Section 15F] is rather straggly with rows of small, dark brown, perfumed flowers hanging below its branches. Here and there Billy Buttons, Craspedia variabilis [Section 15B], with golden globular flower heads on bare upright stems are scattered over this mounded garden.
Beside the steps, the mauve flowers of Westringia glabra [Section 15A] and the fluffy yellow flowers of Phebalium stenophyllum [Section 15A] are an attractive combination. Along the top walk, Hibbertia empetrifolia [Section 15H] is bright with yellow, open flowers along the wiry stems. Acacia pravissima ‘Kubanga Cascade’ [Section 15J], covered with soft yellow fluffy flower balls, combines well with the soft white daisies of Rhodanthe anthemoides ‘Chamomile Cascade’ [Section 15J]. Eriostemon verrucosus ‘J. Semmens’ [Section 15J] is a low, open shrub with multipetalled white flowers … really nice!
Ricinocarpos bowmanii [Section 15R] has sparkling white flowers covering this small shrub. Hakea corymbosa [Section 15P], of medium height, is dense with a halo of greenish-cream spiky flower heads. At its base, Scaevola phlebopetala [Section 15P] is a wiry ground-hugging plant displaying its deep purple fan flowers.
Always other floral beauties to see…
Barbara Daly
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