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From : Society for Growing Australian Plants, Queensland Region Inc. Annual Report 2010

New in the ANBG Library

July 2010

last month: May

The Gardens’ Library is located on the first floor of the Botany Building at the ANBG, Clunies Ross Street, Black Mountain.
Opening hours are 9.30am to 4.30pm, Monday to Friday. Members of the public may use the library by appointment.

The bulletin contains a list of new material recently received in the library. These items together with recent issues of journals and magazines are on display in the ANBG Library for approximately three to four weeks. All registered library clients are welcome to use the library and photocopy display items or reserve items for loan.

Staff may request items from the bulletin by phone, fax or email.
Phone: (02) 6250 9480
Fax: (02) 6250 9432
Email: ANBG.library@environment.gov.au



Margaret Gee’s Australian media guide
Melbourne : Information Australia – Margaret Gee Media Group, 2010
Ref 302.230994 MAR

Natural solutions: protected areas helping people cope with climate change
Nigel Dudley … et al.
Gland, Switzerland: IUCN-WCPA, TNC, UNDP, WCS, World Bank & WWF, 2010-07-12
333.78 PRO

Floodplain wetlands and waterbirds of the Channel Country
Roger Jaensch
Port Augusta, SA: South Australian Arid Lands Natural Resources Management Board, 2009
Also available via the Internet:
333.918160994 JAE

Sustainability curriculum framework: a guide for curriculum developers and policy makers
Canberra : Dept of the Environment, Water, Heritage and the Arts
Also available via the Internet:
P 372.80994 SUS

Australia ’s national heritage
Canberra : Department of the Environment, Water, Heritage and the Arts, 2010
Also available via the Internet:
363.690994 AUS

Australia ’s world heritage: Australia’s places of outstanding universal value
Canberra : Department of the Environment, Water, Heritage and the Arts, 2010
Also available via the Internet:
363.690994 AUS

Here be dragons: how the study of animal and plant distributions revolutionised our views of life and earth
Dennis McCarthy
Oxford: OUP, 2009
578.09 MCC

Buloke woodlands flora and fauna guide for the Wimmera
Martine Maron … et al.
Sydney: WWF-Australia, 2005
Also available via the Internet:
P 578.73099458 BUL

National Arboretum Canberra
Canberra : Dept of Land & Property Services, 2010
580.739471 NAT

A guide to threatened, near threatened and data deficient plants in the Litchfield Shire of the Northern Territory
Jarrad Holmes … et al.
Ultimo, NSW: WWF-Australia, 2005
Also available via the Internet:
P 581.680994295 GUI

XIXth AETFAT Congress, Madagascar, 25-30 April 2010: abstracts
Meise: National Botanic Garden of Belgium, 2010
581.967 AET

Barks and trunks: rainforest trees of south-eastern Australia
Peter Poropat
Goonellabah, NSW: P. Poropat; Dragonwick Publishing, 2009
582.167340994 POR

A guide to the beetles of Australia
George Hangay and Paul Zborowski
Collingwood, Vic.: CSIRO Publishing, 2010
595.760994 HAN

Seahorses and their relatives
Rudie H. Kuiter
Seaford, Vic.: Aquatic Photographics, 2009
ABRS 597.6798 KUI

Hortguide 2010
NSW: Ramsay Ware Stockland, 2010

Threat abatement plan for the biological effects, including lethal toxic ingestion, caused by cane toads (draft)
Canberra : Dept of the Environment, Water, Heritage and the Arts
Also available via the Internet:
P 639.9660994 THR

Gardening with shape, line and texture: a plant design sourcebook
Linden Hawthorne
Portland: Timber Press, 2009
712.2 HAW


Australia ’s marine protected areas
Canberra : DEWHA, 2008
AV 333.91640994 AUS

National waste report [cd-rom]: 2010
Adelaide : Environment Protection and Heritage Council (EPHC), 2010
AV 363.7280994 NAT


Society for Growing Australian Plants ( Queensland region) annual report 2010
Cambridge University Botanic Garden annual report 2008-2009
2009/2010 Venomous snake management annual report (ANBG)


The Tropic of Capricorn
Sydney: Australian Geographic, 2010
Map Box 912.994 AUS


Bringing back Melbourne’s volcanoAustralian Horticulture, June 2010: 43
After more than 100 years hidden from view behind fences and dense vegetation, Guilfoyle’s Volcano has undergone significant restoration work and is now back on the map at Melbourne’s Royal Botanic Gardens. Consisting of a large reservoir built at the highest point of the Gardens, ‘the Volcano’ was the main water supply for the Gardens for about 70 years, providing gravity-fed irrigation.

Hogan, Fiona E and Raylene Cooke (2010) Insights into the breeding behaviour and dispersal of the Powerful Owl (Ninox strenua) through the collection of shed feathersEmu 110(2): 178-184

Stevens, Tony A., Murray C. Evans, William S. Osborne and Stephen D. Sarre (2010) Home ranges of, and habitat use by, the grassland earless dragon (Tympanocryptis pinguicolla) in remnant native grasslands near Canberra Australian Journal of Zoology 58(2): 76-84


ANBG OH&S Committee Meeting minutes, 3 June 2010
Includes a copy of the February 2010 Parksafe (OHS) Management System

ANBG Volunteer Guides meeting minutes, 15 June 2010

Craven, LA, Lepschi, BJ & Fryxell, PA 2010, ‘A new species of Cleome from northwestern Australia (Capparaceae)’, Blumea, vol. 55, no. 1, p. 100-101.

Growing Friends meeting minutes, 5 June 2010

R.W. Purdie field note books
Canberra : ANBG, 1986-2009
Archive – Field PUR


Botanic gardens bats saved from the bell, for now ABC News online, 22 June 2010
The planned eviction of a large colony of flying foxes from the Sydney’s Royal Botanic Gardens has been delayed until next year

Cash-hit gardens resists entry feeHobart Mercury 19 June 2010: 3


# Indicates a new listing

# Can you handle it?: Object handling, touring exhibitions, contemporary media and risk management for 21 st century galleries and museums
29-30 July 2010
Australian Museum, Sydney
Phone: 02 9358 1760

Grevillea Hybrids & Cultivars : 8 th FJC Rogers Seminar
21-22 August 2010
East Gippsland, Victoria
Contact: Dawn Barr (03) 5156 4674

8 th International Flora Malesiana Symposium
23-27 August 2010
Singapore Botanic Gardens


Green Expo Sydney 2010 / Nursery & Garden Industry, NSW & ACT Ltd
25-26 August 2010
Exhibition Hall, Rosehill Gardens

BGANZ NSW 2010 Conference
Where to Now

27-29 August 2010
Hunter Region Botanic Gardens
email info@portstephens.org.au

11 th Meeting of International Organization of Plant Biosystematists
2-4 September 2010
Aurangabad, India

Society for Growing Australian Plants (Qld Region) Inc 2010 State Conference
“Fragments of Green”

19-24 September 2010
Jacob Wells Environmental Education Centre, Qld
Enquiries to Bev Leggett: bleggett@australiaonline.net au or ph (07)3870 8517

8 th National Conference Australian Network for Plant Conservation
Planning Conservation to Achieving Restoration
28 Sept – 1 October 2010
Perth, WA

13 th National Conference on Volunteering
27-29 October 2010
Sebel and Citigate Albert Park, Melbourne, Vic.

# The Art of Botanical Illustration, 10 th Biennial Exhibition
6-21 November 2010
Domain House Gallery, South Yarra, Vic.
Phone: 03 9650 6398

# Systematic botany across the ditch: links between Australia and New Zealand
2010 Australian Systematic Botany Society Conference
29 Nov – 3 Dec
Lincoln University, Canterbury, NZ

XVIII International Botanical Congress
24-30 July 2011
Melbourne Exhibition and Convention Centre




Updated 22 September, 2010 , webmaster, ANBG (anbg-info@anbg.gov.au)