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April 2009

last month: March

The Gardens’ Library is located on the first floor of the Botany Building at the ANBG, Clunies Ross Street, Black Mountain.
Opening hours are 9.30am to 4.30pm, Monday to Friday. Members of the public may use the library by appointment.

The bulletin contains a list of new material recently received in the library. These items together with recent issues of journals and magazines are on display in the ANBG Library for approximately three to four weeks. All registered library clients are welcome to use the library and photocopy display items or reserve items for loan.

Staff may request items from the bulletin by phone, fax or email.
Phone: (02) 6250 9480
Fax: (02) 6250 9432
Email: ANBG.library@environment.gov.au



Australia ’s biodiversity conservation strategy 2010-2020: consultant draft
Canberra, A.C.T. : Dept of the Environment, Water, Heritage and the Arts, 2009
Public comment period closes on Friday 29 May 2009.
Also available via the Internet at:
333.95160994 AUS

Living sustainably: the Australian Government’s national action plan for education for sustainability
Canberra : DEWHA, 2009
Also available via the Internet at: http://www.environment.gov.au/education/publications/pubs/national-action-plan.pdf
372.80994 LIV

Grassy ecosystems management kit: a guide to developing conservation management plans
Sarah Sharp … [et al.]
Canberra : Environment ACT, 2005
577.40994 GRA

Flore (Angiospermes) de la Republique de Guinee
S. Lisowski
Meise : Jardin Botanique National de Belgique, 2009 (Scripta Botanica Belgica; vol. 41-42)
581.96652 LIS

Flora of Australia. Volume 57, Lichens 5
Patrick M. McCarthy (ed.)
Canberra : ABRS : Melbourne : CSIRO, 2009
581.994 FLO

An introduction to Embryophyta. Vol. 1, Bryophyta, 4 th rev. ed.
N.S. Parihar
Allahabad, India : Central Book Depot, 1961
ANBG copy from the collection of Helen Hewson.
588 PAR

Korallenriff-Aquarium.Band 6.Korallenriff-Aquaristik heute und morgen. Krebstiere, Stachelhauter, Seescheiden und andere Wirbellose im Korallenriff und im Korallenriff-Aquarium
Svein A Fossa, Alf Jacob Nilsen
Bornheim : Birgit Schmettkamp Verlag, 1998
On crustaceans, echinoderms, sea squirts and other invertebrates on the coral reef and in the coral reef aquarium
ABRS 591.7789 FOS

A separate creation: discovery of Wild Australia by explorers and naturalists
Selected and annotated by Graham Pizzey
South Yarra, Vic. : Currey O’Neil Ross, 1985
From the collection of Helen Hewson.
591.994 SEP

Australia ’s animals discovered
Peter Stanbury and Graeme Phipps
Sydney : Pergamon, 1980
Material on more than 60 species, including first recorded European sighting, first scientific description and biological information.
From the collection of Helen Hewson.
591.994 STA

The State of Australia’s birds 2008
Penny Olsen
Carlton, Vic. : Birds Australia, 2008 (Supplement to Wingspan vol. 18. no. 4, Dec 2008)
P 598.0994 STA

Molonglo catchment weed information pack: a resource to enable accurate identification and effective control of high priority weeds in the Molonglo catchment
Geoff Butler … [et al.]
Fyshwick, A.C.T. : Molonglo Catchment Group, [2008]
P 632.509947 MOL

Biodiversity in the paddock: a land managers guide
Josh Dorrough, Jacqui Stol and Sue McIntyre
Canberra : CSIRO Sustainable Ecosystems, 2008
Also available via the Internet at:http://www.csiro.au/files/files/pm84.pdf.
This booklet is about the role that native pastures have in a landscape that was once grassy woodland but which now supports a range of land uses.
633.2020994 DOR

Ozbreed’s drought tolerant gardening: guide to drought tough plants & turf
Todd Layt
Clarendon, N.S.W. : Ozbreed, 2009
Plant catalogue. Also includes articles.
635.95250994 LAY

ACT Kangaroo management plan: public consultation draft
A.C.T. : Dept. of Territory and Municipal Services, 2009
Closing date for submissions: COB 11 May 2009.
Also available via the Internet at:
639.9792 ACT

Dare to know: the art and science of Pacific voyages
Sydney : State Library of New South Wales, 1998
Catalogue of an exhibition held at the State Library of New South Wales 22 June to 22 November 1998.
910.91823 STA


Future vision-making at the Australian National Botanic Gardens
Lucy Sutherland
The Botanic Garden, Issue 23, March 2009, pp. 17-18

ACT plant census updated
Brendan Lepschi
The Botanic Garden, Issue 23, March 2009, p. 30

Ostropales Incertae Sedis, Amphorothecium
Patrick M. McCarthy
In PM McCarthy (ed)Flora of Australia. Volume 57, Lichens 5, ABRS/CSIRO, Canberra/Melbourne, 2009, pp. 421-422.

Ascomycota Incertae Sedis, Thelocarpaceae
Patrick M. McCarthy & Gintaras Kantvilas
In PM McCarthy (ed)Flora of Australia. Volume 57, Lichens 5, ABRS/CSIRO, Canberra/Melbourne, 2009, pp. 563-569.

Chaetothyriomycetidae Incertae Sedis, Strigulaceae
Patrick M. McCarthy
In PM McCarthy (ed)Flora of Australia. Volume 57, Lichens 5, ABRS/CSIRO, Canberra/Melbourne, 2009, pp. 570-601.


The wiggy-wig bush and other curiosities
Tim Richardson
Country Life, 1 October 2008, pp. 80-83
On the South London Botanical Institute.

The role of botanical gardens in climate change research
Richard B Primack and Abraham J. Miller-Rushing
New Phytologist, vol. 182, 2009, pp. 303-313

Phenological trends among Australian alpine species; using herbarium records to identify climate change indicators
R.V. Gallagher, L. Hughes and M.R. Leishman
Australian Journal of Botany, vol. 57, 2009, pp. 1-9

Supplanting the old media
Geoff Brumfiel
Nature, vol. 458, 19 March 2009, pp. 274-277
Science journalism is in decline; science blogging is growing fast. But can the one replace the other ?

Reading the future
Rosemary Sorensen
Weekend Australia, 11-12 April 2009, Review pp. 10-11
The era of e-books is at hand and resistance may be futile.


* Indicates a new listing

Minding our own Biodiversity: Conservation on Private Land
2 nd National Forum, Australian Network for Plant Conservation
30 April – 1 May 2009
Halls Gap, The Grampians, Vic

ISAAC (International Society of Arboriculture – Australia Chapter) National Conference & Asia Pacific Tree Climbing Championships
1-6 May 2009
Newcastle NSW

Fruitful 42’ South. Joint Meeting of the Australian and New Zealand Chapters of the International Plant Propagators Society
14-17 May 2009
Hobart, Tasmania

“Botanic Gardens in the Age of Climate Change”
Eurogard V, Fifth European Botanic Gardens Congress
8-12 June 2009
Helsinki, Finland

International Seed Testing Association Annual Meeting
15-18 June 2009
Glattbrugg ( Zurich) Switzerland

The Global Garden, APGA Conference
23-27 June 2009
St Louis, Missouri

Barks, Birds & Billabongs : the American-Australian Scientific Expedition to Arnhem Land 1948 Remembered
6-10 July 2009
National Museum of Australia, Canberra

Landscape Australia Expo Sydney
22-24 July 2009
Sydney Showground

Landscape Australia Expo Melbourne
26-28 August 2009
Melbourne Showgrounds

* Xth Australasian Bryophyte Workshop
30 August – 5 September 2009
Manjimup, WA
Email to Louise.Biggs@dec.wa.gov.au

* Australian Landscape Conference 2009: Designing the Living Landscape
11-15 September 2009
Camberwell Centre, Camberwell, Vic

Charles Darwin University Symposium
22-24 September 2009
Darwin Convention Centre, NT

Australian Plants in the 21 st Century
Association of Societies for Growing Australian Plants Conference and Seminar
26 Sept – 2 October 2009
Convenor: Paul Kennedy, PO Box 220, Strathmerton VIC 3641
Ph (03) 5874 5239
Email hakeaholic@aapt.net.au

Plan(e)t Priority : Regional Reality.
2009 Botanic Gardens of Australia and New Zealand (BGANZ) Congress
8-10 October 2009
Mackay, Qld
Call for papers and posters
email: bganz@wombatcreative.com.au

* Cultivating Australia Felix: the Pastoral Legacy
Australian Garden History Society 30 th Annual National Conference
16-18 October 2009
Geelong Conference Centre, Geelong, Vic

Action Learning: Places, Spaces and Partnerships for Biodiversity and Human Well-Being.
BGCI’s 7 th International Congress on Education in Botanic Gardens

1-6 November 2009
Durban Botanic Gardens

* Australasian Conference of Voluntary Guides in Botanic Gardens
9-13 November 2009
Royal Tasmanian Botanical Gardens
Enquiries: Don Dabner, ph (03) 6228 5624 dondabner@iinet.net.au

Systematic Botany : From Science to Society. Australian Systematic Botanic Society 2009 Conference and Workshop on national accreditation of providers of biological information.
1–Dec 2009
University of New England, Armidale, NSW

29 th International Seed Testing Congress
16-18 June 2010
Cologne, Germany
Call for papers http://www.ista-cologne2010.de

8 th International Flora Malesiana Symposium
23-27 August 2010
Singapore Botanic Gardens



Updated 22 September, 2010 , webmaster, ANBG (anbg-info@anbg.gov.au)