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The aim of the Australian National Botanic Gardens (ANBG) is to increase knowledge, appreciation and enjoyment of Australia’s plant heritage by establishing, as an integrated resource, a national collection of living and herbarium specimens, and photographs of Australian and related plants for study, interpretation, conservation and display.
The Gardens occupies 90 ha on the slopes of Black Mountain, Canberra, with an annexe of 80 ha in the Jervis Bay Territory on the New South Wales south coast
Organisational Structure
The Gardens is a Division of the Australian National Parks and Wildlife Service (ANPWS). Staff from the Environmental Resources Information Network (ERIN) and the Flora of Australia and Fauna Publications Units of ANPWS are also situated at the Gardens.
The Gardens is organised in four Sections: Living Collections, Botany, Visitor Services and Administration. The organisational structure of the. Gardens is noted in Figure 1.
‘The Botanical Bookshop’ and ‘Casuarinas Restaurant’ are operated privately under licence from the ANBG.
The average staffing level during the year was 77.
At 30 June the staff consisted of
• 12.8 Professional staff;
• 20.5 Technical staff and Garden Overseers;
• 1 5.7 Administrative Service Officers; and
• 28 Horticultural and Trades staff.
A staff list is provided in appendix 1.
Staff Training
As part of the Gardens training program, members of staff attended a total of 104 courses or conferences during the year. Major emphases of the training program included: management skills, computer software training, professional development and the safe use of equipment. On-site training was also provided in the use of office equipment, field-vehicle recovery gear, and the ANBG computer network. Eleven staff are involved in external studies through the Studybank’ scheme.
The Gardens was allocated $1 348 000 for ongoing operational expenditure, excluding wages and salaries, $15 000 for training and $86 000 for the purchase of plant and equipment. The Capital Works Program was allocated $400 000 for medium works and $350 000 for minor works. A sum of $250 000 was allocated for repairs and maintenance. The Gardens raised $51 000 in revenue over the year.
During the year 419 000 people visited the Gardens; of these 376 000 visited the Canberra gardens and 43 000 the Jervis Bay Annexe. Monthly visitor statistics are listed in appendix 2.
Biota 90 Science and Environment Festival
An estimated 30 000 people visited the Gardens during the Biota 90 festival. Many of the ‘behind the scenes activities of the Gardens were demonstrated and other Divisions of ANPWS held displays. The festival was organised in conjunction with the Canberra-based Divisions of the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO).
Launch of the Friends of the ANBG Association
The Committee of the Friends of the ANBG was appointed at a public meeting held at the Gardens on 2 September, 1990. The Association was officially launched by Prof Lindsay Pryor on 14 October, as part of the Biota 90 Science and Association Environment festival.
Plant Conservation Conference
The Gardens hosted a plant conservation conference Protective Custody ex situ plant conservation in Australasia from 5-8 March, 1991. The conference was attended by 140 delegates representing private and government institutions. A proposal to establish a national coordinating group for plant conservation was accepted by the delegates and planning for an ‘Australian Network for Plant Conservation’ commenced. The conference was funded in part by a grant from the ANPWS Endangered Species Program
Plant Release Scheme
A contract between the ANBG, the Nursery Industry Association of Australia, Scheme and the Association of Societies for Growing Australian Plants, for the release of propagation material from the Gardens was finalised. The species released to the Association were: Bulbine bulbosa, Dichopogon ftmbriatus, Ficus pantoniana var. pantoniana, Goodenia ovata (prostrate form), Grevillea iaspicula, Lobelia trigonocaulis, Nephrolepis sp. nov: Kakadu, Piper novae-hollandiae, and Rhaphidophora pachyphylla. The Gardens will be paid a royalty on the sales of plants released through the scheme.
Reorganisation of the Gardens
Recruitment associated with changes to the organisational structure of the Gardens of the Gardens was finalised. Senior positions which were filled included Assistant Directors of the Botany and Living Collections Sections and those of the Curators of the Herbarium and Living Collections.
Heritage Listing
The ANBG was listed on the Register of the National Estate on 14 May 1991 following a period of public comment on the nomination.
Merger with ANPWS
On July 1, 1990, the ANBG became a Division of the Australian National Parks ANPWS and Wildlife Service. This administrative move places the Gardens within a larger organisation with which it shares many common goals concerning the native plants of Australia, their conservation and interpretation.
The site for the Gardens was recommended in 1935 by Dr Bertram Dickson in a report to the Department of the Interior. Development did not commence until after the Second World War. The first official recognition of the Gardens was on 12 September 1949 when Prime Minister Ben Chifley and the Director of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, Sir Edward Salisbury, planted the first trees.
Planning and planting continued throughout the 1950s after the land for the Gardens had been resumed from a number of leaseholders who were using much of the area for grazing. Dr Dickson’s 1935 report outlined the importance of incorporating the Australian flora into the Gardens and, with the widening community appreciation of the Australian flora in the late 1950s and early 1960s, the Gardens adopted the policy of giving priority to Australian native plants.
The Gardens’ Annexe at Jervis Bay on the New South Wales south coast was also dcveloped over this period, on a site selected in 1951 by the Superintendent. of Parks and Gardens, Lindsay Pryor
The scientific and educational resources of the Gardens were expanded during the 1960s with the development, on the present Black Mountain site, of the Gardens’ Herbarium and Library in 1966, the Nursery and glasshouses in 1967 and the research laboratory in 1970.
The basis of the Gardens’ plantings was established in the 1950s and early 1960s. Among the earliest plantings were Callitris and plants from the families Myrtaceae and Proteaceae. Extensive development of the Rainforest Gully, one of the Gardens’ major attractions, was begun in 1968. The misting system in the Gully, which provided adequate water for the successful establishment of rainforest plants, was installed at this time.
The Gardens was officially opened by Prime Minister John Gorton on 20 October 1970, although visitors had been admitted since 1967.
The Gardens’ particular research interest in the families Fabaceae (pea flowers) and Orchidaceae (orchids) was initiated in the mid 1970s. Close links between research, living collections and the herbarium collections have been fostered, The Gardens’ living collection of Australian orchids is now the most extensive known in cultivation.
The provision of information, interpretation and education services to the public and special interest groups began in the late 1960s with the production of a guide to the Gardens and the installation of large wooden interpretive signs. Ranger guided tours, the provision of propagation workshops for school children, and the development of a regularly changing exhibition program were among the early initiatives of the Gardens’ staff.
The Gardens’ photograph collection was established in the late 1960s and has grown into one of the largest collections of accurately named portraits of Australian plants and provides a photographic record of the development of the Gardens.
The process of development of the Gardens as a national scientific, educational, conservation, and recreational resource continues with major initiatives in the areas of botanical data management, taxonomic and biological research, and a special interest in the presentation of the Australian flora to the public.
The objectives of the Living Collections Section are to develop living collections of Australian and related flora, authenticated by herbarium specimens; and to provide and maintain facilities and plant records at the Gardens in Canberra and Jervis Bay.
The Living Collections Section maintains about 94 000 plants representing more than 5000 species. This represents about one-third of the vascular plants recorded for Australia. Collections are held in open ground plantings, permanent pot collections, and in glasshouses.
Summary of Holdings
Number of Taxa |
Number of Specimens |
Open Ground |
3 750 |
66 000 |
Under Glass |
1 200 |
6 000 |
Permanent Pots |
1 800 |
5 000 |
Jervis Bay |
1 350 |
14 500 |
Osaka Garden and Greenery Exposition, Osaka, Japan
The Gardens continued its participation in the Exposition until its close at the end of September 1990. Two visits were made by Gardens’ staff during the year to supervise maintenance of the Australian exhibit. The exhibit received 16 awards for landscape design and for the plants displayed. The garden, with modified planting, remains as a permanent feature in the new Osaka parkland.
Mallee Eucalypts from Central and Western Australia
The hard landscaping of this new area was completed and 25 Eucalyptus species, together with grasses and shrubs associated with malleelands were planted. The area will complement the existing mallee shrublands section of the Gardens.
Tasmanian Alpine and Heath Section
Landscape planning commenced on this area which is to display a wide range of plants from alpine and heath communities. Landscaping will involve the construction of a number of ponds and mounds to create a naturalistic environment in which to display the plants.
Nursery Improvements
Extensive modification of the heating controls of the glasshouses enabled one house to be provided with a temperature and humidity regime suitable for growing warm temperate and montane orchids; and for back-up heating to be installed in other houses. A new propagation house was completed and a fogging area installed for the rapid propagation of cuttings
Jervis Bay Annexe
A topographic survey of the Annexe was completed as part of the production of Annexe a development plan for the site. Work on resealing and extending the carpark and improving road drainage was commenced and a propagation shed was constructed.
The living collections at the Annexe were expanded over the year with an emphasis on the families Fabaceae, Myrtaceae and Mimosaceae. Other planting themes at the Annexe include rainforest, rare and endangered species, and plants used by Aborigines. A section of the natural bushland at the Annexe is being used to develop trails for the public.
Australian Cultivar Registration Authority
The Australian Cultivar Registration Authority (ACRA) was established in 1963 to register cultivars derived from the Australian flora. This year 13 cultivars were registered. A list of members of the ACR.A and names of cultivars registered this year can be found in appendix 3.
Education Centre
Planning for an Education Centre at the Gardens was completed during the year. The building will contain office accommodation and two classrooms. The classrooms will be available for use by community groups. Construction of the Centre commenced late in June 1991.
Endangered Species
The Gardens’ endangered species collection was expanded with the addition of 4 Tasmanian species, Colobanthus sp. nov., Barbarea australis, Carex tasmanica and Danthonia popinensis. These species were collected as part of a project funded by the World Wide Fund for Nature (Australia). Collections were made in conjunction with Louise Guilfedder of the University of Tasmania.
Propagation material of the Blue Mountains endemic, Epacris hamiltonii, was donated by Mr Wyn Jones of the NSW Natonal Parks and Wildlife Service and Brunoniella spiciftora was collected during a field trip to central Queensland. Living material of a new and threatened species of Grevillea was donated by Mr Peter Ollerenshaw.
The Gardens’ collection now includes 90. of the 175 species thought to be endangered in the wild.
Sub-Antarctic Collections
The growth of plants collected from Macquarie Island was monitored under a number of temperature regimes. Most plants grew well at 20°C, while a number were able to tolerate temperatures of up to 39°C. Facilities for the long-term maintenance of the collections were investigated. The collection has attracted interest from a number of State and international institutions. Two Epilobium species and Poa annua were removed from the collection because they showed a high potential to become weeds.
Plant Conservation Conference
Over 140 delegates from Australia, south-east Asia, the South Pacific, the United Kingdom and the United States attended ‘Protective Custody ex situ plant conservation in Australasia’, which was hosted by the ANBG. Proposals were developed for the establishment of an ‘Australian Network for Plant Conservation’.
• An area in the Sydney Basin Flora section for the display of Blandfordia species and associated swamp plants was completed. Planning commenced for the development of an area within this section to display plants from the Mt Tomah region.
• Donations of propagation material were made to 13 kindred institutions and the Gardens received material from a number of donors. A list of donations is included in appendix 4.
• Paths between bridges on the ‘Blue Arrow Walk’ were completed and landscape planning for the area commenced,
• Automatic doors were installed to improve access to the Visitor Information Centre and the Theatrette foyer.
• Improvements were made to soil drainage in the Lamiaceae section to reduce problems caused by soil-borne pathogens. The Gardens’ mallee shrublands section was also up-graded by improvements to the paths and the introduction of new plants.
• The grassland and open forest section was further developed with the inclusion of 50 species collected from the local area. Hundreds of plants of Bulbine bulbosa and Dichopogon fimbriatus were propagated for the section by clients from the Gardens’ Banksia Centre:
• A raised bed for the display of annuals, propagated by clients of the Banksia Centre, was developed in the Asteraceae section of the Gardens.
• To improve the display of frost-sensitive plants in the Rainforest Gully, a number of plants from tJie glasshouse collections were bedded out in pots during summer. They were returned to the glasshouses in autumn.
• The palm collection at the Jervis Bay Annexe was consolidated, following the transfer of plants from the Canberra glasshouses. Further material of known origin is being sought through other botanic gardens in Australia.
• A reference collection of herbarium specimens, representing the local flora, continued to be developed at the -Jervis Bay Annexe. There are now 91 taxa represented. Some of the specimens have been loaned to the Jervis Bay Nature Reserve for display in their Information Centre,
he herbarium collections form part of the Botany Section, which also covers taxonomic, systematic and biological research, the data processing unit and day- to-day management of the library.
The objectives of the herbarium are to develop a collection of preserved plant specimens of the Australian and related flora, including the Australian Territories; to manage the database for this collection, the Australian Plant Name index and the Census of Australian Vascular Plants (refer also to the Data Processing section of this report); and to provide a specialist plant identification service.
The herbarium collections form the basis for the scientific documentation and authentication of the plants grown in the Gardens.
Major working visitors to the herbarium are listed in appendix 5.
Summary of Herbarium Holdings
Specimens |
Types |
Vascular plants |
139 500 |
486 |
Pteridophytes |
6 700 |
17 |
Phanerogams |
132 800 |
469 |
Cryptogams |
70 800 |
280 |
Mosses |
34 800 |
26 |
Liverworts |
15 630 |
67 |
Lichens |
18 500 |
183 |
Fungi |
1 700 |
4 |
Algae |
170. |
0 |
Totals |
210 300 |
766 |
MAJOR ACTIVITIES Herbarium Management The following is a summary of activity during 1990-1991 |
Consignments sent |
137 |
Consignments received |
136 |
accessioned |
Vascular plants |
Cryptogams |
collected 1989—90 |
1 030 |
4 914 |
replicates sent |
1 292 |
1 783 |
replicates received |
845 |
2 413 |
loans sent |
233 |
917 |
loans received |
955 |
563 |
specimens incorporated |
4 062 |
4 477 |
Curatorial Activity
Curation of the herbarium collections occurs after the publication of revisionary studies and Flora treatments to provide up-to-date names for the Gardens’ cultivated plants and for other herbarium users. The major groups curated over the year were: Thymelaeaceae, Grevillea (Proteaceae), Angophora and Eucalyptus (Myrtaceae—in part) and Casuarinaceae (in part).
Ms Barbara Barnsley was contracted in August 1990 to assist in the identification of a backlog of specimens and good progress was made in this area. Barbara also spent two months checking names and voucher specimens for the publication of a census of the living collections of the Gardens.
Work commenced, in April 1991, on the incorporation of orchid specimens collected by the Research staff. The collections include large numbers of dissection cards and specimens preserved in spirit.
From April to June 1991, contract staff were employed through a grant provided by ERIN to database all eucalypt and grass specimens. This project will continue into the next financial year.
Six work experience students from Canberra secondary schools worked in the herbarium on a variety of technical tasks.
Progress was made toward upgrading staff positions to better reflect the tasks and skills of the staff.
Curation of the Fabaceae has been curtailed due to the resignation of a senior staff member who has not been replaced.
Inquiry and Advice Services
Herbarium staff assisted hospitals and members of the public with identification of edible and poisonous fungi, as well as other miscellaneous poisonous plant inquiries. Twenty poisonous plant enquiries were received throughout the year.
General plant enquiries were received from professional researchers, students, government authorities, and members of the public. These inquiries ranged from single specimens or simple distributional inquiries, to complex questions or many dozens of specimens. A total of 470 speèimen inquiries were received during the year.
Assistant Curator, Mr Heinar Streimann, accepted an invitation to join the new Bryophyte Working Group of the Species Survival Commission of the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN).
Honorary Associates and Collectors
Honorary associates and collectors contributed to the Herbarium by donating specimens and assisting with work on the collections. Honorary associate Mr Heino Lepp provided valuable assistance with the identification of fungal specimens. A list of honorary associates and collectors is included in appendix 6.
Participation in National and International Conferences
Staff were involved in the symposium of the Taxonomic Databases Working National and Group in Delphi, Greece; the International Association for Plant Taxonomy International workshop on ‘Stabilising Plant Names’ in Kew, England; the Council of Heads Conferences of Herbaria in Melbourne; ‘and the Council of Heads of Australian Botanic Gardens in Canberra. Staff were also members of the organising committee for, and participants in, the symposium Indo-Pacific Biogeography: At the Crossroads, held by the Australian Systematic Botany Society in Canberra, August 1990. Staff also attended the Willi Hennig Society meeting associated with this symposium. Details are listed in appendix 7.
The Gardens’ photograph collection holds photographs of the Australian flora, a representative range of vegetation types, and pictorial records of developments at the ANBG. Use of the collection by researchers, students and publishers is encouraged.
The photograph collection includes 20 000 slides of which 9000 are habit or close-up photos of Australian plants, 5500 are field trip records, and 5500 are lecture slides and records of the Gardens’ development.
During the year, 110 duplicates of slides were supplied to publishers and authors for reproduction and a further 980 were used for lectures and associated activities. Slide duplication for outside organisations was on a cost recovery basis and copyright fees were charged to commercial organisations.
Records of named plants, their habit and habitat and photographic information continued to be added to the Gardens database.
Donation of Photographs
Donations totalling. 170 slides were made to the photograph collection by Mrs Ingrid Adler, Mr Fred Davies, and Mr Don Skirrow.
Major Collecting Trips
The Botany and Living Collections Sections undertake combined field trips to collect material for planting, research, and for herbarium specimens. The close association between the living and preserved collections is fundamental to botanical activity at the ANBG and the majority of field trips are combined activities between the Living Collections and Botany Sections.
Most of the cryptogamic field work is undertaken in conjunction with Dr Jack Elix of the Australian National University
Details of field work undertaken during the year are listed in appendix 8.
A major collecting trip to eastern Queensland was conducted in April-May, 1991 to collect both herbarium specimens and propagation material (primarily to enhance the Gardens’ Rainforest Gully). Over 540 collections were made, of which about 350 included propagation material. Many of these were first collections for the ANBG. Collecting priorities were species from the montane rainforest of northern Queensland and from Brigalow scrub communities. During the trip an undescribed cucurbit species with affinity to Zehneria was rediscovered near Longreach. The only known species of Scirpodendron (Cyperaceae), which has not been collected for over 30 years, was located near the Daintree River.
Over 373 collections of orchids, including live plants, were made by research staff during a field trip to Tasmania. Five new species of orchid were collected and another species added to the list of Tasmanian flora. Five species collected by Robert Brown in the 1800s were re-collected from the approximate localities of the type collections.
New South Wales
In conjunction with a staff member from the Royal Botanic Gardens, Sydney,ANBG staff collected 86 species (including some rare and endangered taxa) from the Blue Mountains west of Sydney. Much of the material collected will be propagated for use in the re-development of the Gardens’ Sydney Basin Flora section.
Endangered Species
A field trip, sponsored by the World Wide Fund for Nature, was conducted in Species north-eastern New South Wales to search for Hakea pulvinifèra, Tylophora woollsii,and Cynanchum elegans. Herbarium specimens and propagation material of Hakea pulvinifera and Tylophora woollsii were collected, but plants of Cynanchum elegans were not located
In May, herbarium staff surveyed the only known population of a newly discovered, and very threatened, species of Grevillea. A report has been submitted to wildlife protection authorities.
Over 300 collections of cryptogams were made from the Errinundra Plateau in eastern Victoria. The specimens will be added to the Gardens’ crytogamic herbarium, which contains the largest collection of these plants in the southern hemisphere.
Scientific research at the Gardens is undertaken primarily by members of the Botany section, which is responsible for research into the taxonomic, systematic and biological problems of the Australian and related floras. Scientific research and the development and use of herbarium collections are closely related. The focus of systematic research is orchids, mosses and legumes.
Family Orchidaceae
Descriptions of 108 new species and two natural hybrids were published in the Orchidaceae second volume of Australian Orchid Research in April 1991. The genera described were Acianthas, Arthrochilis, Caladenia, Chiloglottis, Corybas, Diuris, Gastrodia and Prasophyllum. Several other species were described and illustrated in other publications.
Studies continued into the phylogeny and embryology of the family and considerable progress was recorded. Taxonomic studies continued on various Austialian orchid taxa including Pterostylis and Dendrobium.
Family Fabaceae
Research into the family Fabaceae was curtailed due to the resignation of a senior staff member who has not been replaced.
Isoenzyme Studies
Techniques for the electrophoretic analysis of orchid isoenzymes using leaf material were refined during the year. The techniques were used to identify naturally occuring hybrids and to provide evidence to assist in the resolution of Dendrobium complexes.
Flora Treatments
A treatment of the orchid genus Pterostylis was completed for the Flora of Victoria. Treatments of the orchid genera Chiloglottis, Corybas, Dipodiam, Diuris, Genoplesiam and Pterostylis were completed for the Flora of New South Wales
Summer School of Science
Research staff hosted two groups of students attending a science summer school in January 1991. Students were involved in laboratory work and orchid pollination.
Participation in National and International Conferences
Research staff were involved in the Willie Hennig Society Meeting and the associated Australian Systematic Society Conference, held in Canberra; and the First Native Orchid Conference, held in Wollongong. Details are listed in appendix 7.
A list of scientific and general publications by ANBG staff is included in appendix 9.
The objectives of the Visitor Services Section are to encourage people of all ages, abilities and backgrounds to enjoy, learn about, and understand the national collections of the Gardens, and to appreciate Australia’s plant heritage and its conservation; through appropriate promotion, interpretation, publications, exhibitions, and education programs.
Promotion of the Gardens
Over the year about 419 000 people visited the Gardens. Major promotional the Gardens activities included the launch of an ACTION bus painted in a design reflecting the Gardens environment and the development of advertising material to promote the Gardens nationally on the Telecom Phonecard. Extensive liaison with the media has resulted in a higher profile for the Gardens.
Establishment of the Friends of the ANBG association
The Friends of the ANBG Association, a community support group for the Gardens, was formally established at a public meeting held on 2 September 1990. The public launch of the group, by Professor Lindsay Pryor, was held on 14 October during the Biota 90’ festival. Four newsletters for Friends were produced during the year and a broad-ranging program of activities for members was conducted.
Biota 90
A science and environment festival Biota 90 was held, in conjunction with CSIRO, on 13 and 14 October. Many of the areas which are normally closed were opened to provide opportunities for the public to see the scientific, curatorial and educational work of the Gardens. Local environment groups and entertainers also participated in the festival. About 30.000 people visited Biota 90.
Visitor Information Centre
The Gardens’ Visitor Information Centre in Canberra provided a seven-days-a week service for visitors. It provided general advice on features of the Gardens and acted as a referral point for horticultural and botanical enquiries. The Centre also coordinated use of the Gardens’ Theatrette and meeting rooms. These were utilised by 60 groups over the year. About 142 000 visitors were recorded in the Centre, representing about 38% of visitors to the Gardens in Canberra.
Therapeutic Horticulture
Therapeutic horticulture programs for 3 900 clients operated throughout the year. A major project was the construction of a display of Australian daises at the Gardens which involved the propagation and planting of over 20 000 plants by students from the Koomarri school. Training programs were conducted for local and interstate professional and community groups.
Education Service
The Education Service provided assistance for about 8800 students over the year. This represents substantially more students using the Education Service than prior to the restructuring of the education program. The Service organised 9 professional development courses for teachers and coordinated the placement of 17 work experience students throughout the Gardens. As part of the ‘Leaftail the Gecko’ childrens’ trail, the Service organised 6 creative writing and print-making workshops with Narelle Oliver, author of the book on which the trail was based.
Mallee Display and Education Kit
A display entitled ‘Mallee, our neglected heritage’ was constructed in the Visitor and Education Information Centre. The display was part of a program to increase public awareness of the importance of malice lands as part of the Australian environment. An education kit for use at the Gardens, and as a resource for the development of curriculum materials in schools, was produced to complement the display, and launched on 14 June 1990.
• Promotional displays were used at local and interstate exhibitions and media cover was obtained for the Gardens special events. Extensive liaison was held with important client groups including tour operators, the National Capital Attractions Association, and the ACT Tourist Commission. Gardens’ staff were also involved with promoting the Gardens through radio interviews, public addresses, and articles in popular magazines and journals.
• The Education Service organised 7 craft workshops throughout the year.
• Six small displays, including an embroidery illustrating the plants collected by early botanist Alan Cunningham, were held in the Visitor Information Centre.
• A one day seminar for botanic gardens’ education officers was held, on 4 March 1991, in conjunction with the ‘Protective Custody’ conference hosted by the Gardens.
• An exhibition of watercolour paintings ‘Flowers are for the Birds’ by Delysia Dunckley was held at the Banksia Centre from 5 to 8 October 1991. The exhibition was opened by Mrs Hazel Hawke. Proceeds were donated to the Pegasus Riding School for the Disabled
• Three new brochures on climbing plants, common birds of the Gardens, and the mallee shrublands section were produced. The section also coordinated the publication of a Review of Activities for the 1989-90 financial year, Occasional Publication Number 12, a promotional folder, and revised editions of two existing leaflets.
Participation in National and International Conferences
Staff were involved in the Australasian Institute of Fundraising Convention, 1991 in Adelaide, South Australia; an Environmental Education Conference at the University of Utrecht, the Netherlands; and in a visit to inspect interpretive facilities in the mallee lands of Victoria.
The objective of the ANBG library is to supply the institution with the information necessary to meet its objectives and function efficiently, anticipating and responding to its needs.
This is achieved by the acquisition and management of reference literature, information material and services of a technical and popular botanical and horticultural nature. Library services are available to all sections of the ANBG; the environment portfolio; Commonwealth, State and international agencies; research and education institutions; and interested members of the public.
The library, which is part of the Botany Section of the Gardens, is also a branch library of the newly established ANPWS library system.
Summary of Library Holdings
Mónográphs c. 6000
Maps c. 6000 sheets
Serials c. 500 titles
Microfiche c. 2200 sheets
Summary of Activities
Items catalogued 350
Items acquired 1895 (paid and exchange)
Loans 1437
Inter library loans 682
Reference requests 1076 (including 271 advanced reference inquiries)
Library Services and Developments
Following the transfer of the Gardens to ANPWS the librarian assumed responsibility for the purchase and accessioning of materials for the library service. The Librarian also provided library services for the Flora of Australia and Fauna Publication Units and for the Environmental Resources Information Network (ERIN). Cataloguing of library materials was contracted to the library of the Department of the Arts, Sport, the Environment, Tourism and Territories. A collection of video tapes was also organised and catalogued into the library.
In December 1990 a consultant was engaged to assess needs for library services
and the potential for the integration of services across ANPWS.
Significant acquisitions during the year included: Orchids from the Botanical Register 1815—1847 S. Springer (ed), Basel, Birkhauses, 1991; Eucalyptographia F. von Mueller, Melbourne Government Printer, 1879—1884 and On the Flora of Australia, its origins, affinity and distribution J. D. Hooker, London, Lovell Reeve, 1859.
A number of donations were made to the library; these are listed in appendix 4.
A revised edition of Journals Held in the ANBG Library was produced and a Current Awareness Bulletin .was issued on a monthly basis.
Library Assistance
Part-time assistance was provided to the library by administration staff. Ms Jenny Marsh, a librarianship student from the University of Canberra, provided help as a volunteer
The data processing unit of the Botany Section is responsible for the Integrated Botanical Information System (IBIS) of the ANBG. The role of IBIS is to capture, store and make available all types of botanical information relevant to the functions and management of the Garden. This includes taxonomic, nomenclatural, specimen, photographic, propagation, horticultural, descriptive, historical, geographic, bibliographic, and biographic information relevant to the Australian and related floras, as well as specimen research and management information.
In association with the herbarium and living collections of the ANBG, IBIS staff are involved with the coordination of certain botanical information from Commonwealth, State and other agencies in accordance with nationally and internationally agreed standards. They are also involved in the development of these standards.
The resources of IBIS are used to install, service and maintain microcomputer- based facilities in the ANBG, including word-processors and part of the system supporting the local portion of the financial management system of ANPWS
New Directions
During the year, the ANBG modified its policy with regard to the implementation of computing systems. A decision was made to move away from personal computers and to install, from the section head level downwards, a network of diskless work-stations, linking all areas of the ANBG, and sharing computer resources. Resources were provided to make substantial progress in the implementation of this policy.
This policy strategy will enable effective access to the corporate data of the ANBG and ANPWS and will enable effective electronic communication between all areas of the Gardens and with other organisations. The policy is closely linked to the network strategy of ERIN. ANBG staff have been actively involved with the development of the ANPWS Information Technology Strategy and the ANBG policy reflects this.
Hardware Development
The foundation of the IBIS computer system is a Sun 4/370, with 56 Mb of RAM and two Gb of disk storage, functioning as a database server. Attached to this are a Sun SPARC 2 with 32 Mb of RAM and two Gb of disk storage to service the network, and a 16 port serial interface.
Users communicate with this core system using Sun work-stations (14 diskless SLCs with 16 Mb of RAM, 2 IPCs with 24 Mb of RAM, two SPARC 2s with 24 Mb of RAM and one SPARC 1 + with 16 Mb of RAM); 12 ASCII terminals; and MSDOS microcomputers with terminal emulation. Output is through seven laser printers and two dot matrix printers. Also on the network are three tape drives and two optical disk readers.
During the year barcode reading equipment was purchased. All recent herbarium labels are printed with barcoded accession numbers. The barcode scanners and wands will be used to monitor the flow of specimens in the herbarium and living collections. A thermal transfer printer was purchased to enable printing of durable labels for outdoor use in the Gardens.
A digital camera was purchased to capture images and store them in the IBIS database. This will enable the display of pictures of plants, floral parts, habitats, and other information on the Sun work-stations in addition to text.
There are also, a number of stand-alone MSDOS PCs and Apple Macintoshes with a variety of laser and dotmatrix printers placed throughout the Gardens. Scanners are available for both MSDOS PCs and Apple Macintoshes.
Ethernet communications to Sun work-stations, MSDOS PCs and Apple Macintoshes throughout the Gardens are being extended. During the year, six ethernet branches were installed to cover work-stations in the Herbarium, Botany Building and Administration Building. MSDOS PCs in these buildings were added to the network to share printing resources.
At the close of the financial year, arrangements were explored with Telecom to extend ethernet cabling (fibre optic and copper) throughout the ANBG site to effectively link the Herbarium, Botany Building, Administration, Visitor Information Centre, Research facilities, Public Programs Building, the new Environmental Education Centre and the ERIN building.
The ASCII terminals placed throughout the Gardens communicate with the database server through serial ‘lines. Dedicated Telecom lines enable communication between the ANBG and the ANPWS finance system and between the ANBG and DASETT libraries.
Three high speed modems are used to enable the Jervis Bay Annexe to directly access the IBIS database and to communicate with other external organisations such as the Australian National Library.
Software and Applications
On the IBIS network, based on Sun’s implementation. of Unix, the Oracle Applications relational database management system and its various tools handle all databasing requirements
During the year, a set of the Oracle CASE (Computer Aided Systems Engineering) tools were purchased to facilitate the graphic design and development of the IBIS database. On the Sun work-stations the Open Windows interface is used and users communicate through the standard Open Windows tools. The graphic spreadsheet program 20/20 was selected to interface with Oracle, and for word- processing the Island Graphic series, Island Write/Paint/Draw was purchased and installed
On MSDOS PCs and Apple Macintoshes, Microsoft Word has been adopted as the Standard word-processing package. Page Maker is used for desktop publishing on the Macintoshes.
Data Entry
Information from all new specimen acquisitions to the ANBG, both living and preserved, is recorded on the IBIS database. All specimen loans are databased and all specimen identifications are recorded. Within available resources, strategic groups are also recorded. At the end of June, there were 55 500 records in this database. The Living Collections Plant Records unit continually updates the database to reflect the status of plants growing in the Gardens.
During the year, the ANBG was supported by ERIN to capture specimen details of genera important to their land cover studies. At the end of June, 5200 Eucalyptus specimens had been entered, representing about 75% of the Gardens holdings of this genus. This project will extend to cover the grasses and a few smaller families.
Database Development
During the year database development focused on the refinement of existing applications to enable efficient printing of herbarium labels and bryophyte packets directly from the database and the query and reporting of information for management purposes.
Australian Plant Name Index
The IBIS database was restructured to accept nomenclatural data from the Australian Plant Name index, a list of all published names for Australian vascular plants, which was compiled as an Australian Biological Resources Study project. The ANBG is now custodian of this data and will be maintaining it as part of normal operations, linking it with its own taxonomic data and enhancing it with new records as they are published. The database contains about 63 000 entries.
Census of Australian Vascular Plants
The Census is a list of all currently accepted names for Australian vascular plants. Australian Herbarium staff entered changes to the Census onto IBIS during the year as the results of taxonomic revisions and research were received. Herbarium staff also made corrections and entered new records onto the database. A summary of the status of the Census is included in appendix 10.
Database Standards
Staff attended an international meeting of the Taxonomic Database Working Group of IUCN held at Delphi in Greece. The meeting considered international standards to be applied to botanical databases. These standards are being incorporated into the IBIS database as they are developed.
Staff also attended a meeting of representatives of each of the state herbaria to further discuss and finalise some points of the HISPID (Herbarium Information Standards and Protocols for the Interchange of Data) standards in relation to a data capture project supported by ERIN.
Staff attended Oracle courses on the CASE method in preparation for the future development and implementation of the IBIS database under this system. Training in the use of Microsoft Word and other aspects of the operation of personal computers was provided by staff of the Information Technology section of ANPWS.
Roger Hnatiuk
Project Officer
Alan Bray
Executive Officer
Dorothy Old
Administrative Officer
Maree Miller
Purchasing Clerk
Bob Allum (Sept 1990—Nov 1990)
Scott Bunyon (Nov 1 990—Feb” 1991)
Marc Morton (from Feb 1991)
Kelly Scattergood (June 1990—Sept 1990)
Switchboard Operator
Lynn Hughes
Ros Saunders
Assistant Director, Living Collections
Ben Wallace (from Feb 1991)
Curator, Living Collections
Mark Richardson
Planting Officer
Geoff Butler
Assistant Planting Officer
Lyn Meredith
Overseer (Plant Records)
Ruth Hallett
Plant Records Staff
Lenore Hodge
Paul Segal
Senior Development Officer
Leslie Lockwood
Planning Officer
Peter Schumack
Clerk of Works
Bob Woodhams
David Hinchcliffe
Ross Hyland
Romeo Tomat (until Nov 1990)
Trades Assistant
Robin Hinchcliffe
Supervisor (Horticultural Maintenance)
Stuart Donaldson
Overseers (Horticultural Maintenance)
Jim Hewat
John Treloar
Horticultural Staff
Tony Barbaro
Nazzarino Bono
Mario Catanzariti
Terry Conway
Gino Corsini
Adrian Gallman
Greg Flowers
Paul Hewat
Philip Hurle
Mario Russo (until Dec 1990)
Vince Russo
Nick Sammons
Greg Small
Plant Operators
Dominic Catanzariti
Greg Sattler
Supervisor (Nursery)
Barrie Hadlow
Overseer (Propagation)
Tim Mulcahy
Overseer (Glasshouses)
Ron Phillips
Paul Ziesing (until Jan 1991)
Nursery Staff
Sue Bonjer
Paul Carmen
Keith Edwards
John Nightingale
Stigh Petersen* (July. 1990—Mar 1991)
Manager, Jervis Bay
Fred Howe
Overseer, Jervis Bay
Rebecca Rudd
Horticultural Staff, Jervis Bay
Jimmy McLeod
Max McLeod
Bruce Rafferty
Plant Operator, Jervis Bay
Phillip McLeod
Assistant Director, Botany
Jim Croft
Curator, Herbarium
Bob Makinson (from Feb 1991)
Assistant Curator
Heinar Streimann
Botanists and Research Scientists
Estelle Canning
Mark Clements
Michael Crisp (until March 1990)
David Jones
Ish Sharma
Herbarium and Research Technicians
Ingrid Adler*
Barbara Barnsley*
Tim Brett*
Corinna Broers
Judith Curnow
Faye Davies
Wendy Dossetor
Warren Ganter*
Karen Groeneveld (Jan 1991—May 1991)
Helen Hadobas
Andrew Lyne
Joan Taylor
Ian Telford
Database Manager
Greg Whitbread
Sara York*
Catherine Jordan
Assistant Director, Visitor Services
Murray Fagg
Photograph Curator
Jan Wilson
Education Officer
Julie Foster
Senior Therapeutic Horticulture Officer
John Pike
Therapeutic Horticulture Officer
Maryanne Traill
Horticultural Staff
Paul MacFarland*
Reg Taylor
John Jervis
Kurt Thaler
Public Relations Officer
Anne Joyce
Information Officers
May Brett
Ann Richards
Interpretation Officer
Rodney Harvey
Display Officer
Ron Hotchkiss
*Temporary Staff
About 376 000 visitors were recorded at the Canberta Gardens during the year and 43 000 at the Jervis Bay Annexe.
A total of abput 419 000 visitors were recorded overall. Monthly statistics are shown below.
Dr B. Wallace (Chair)
Australian National Botanic Gardens
Mr M. Richardson (Secretary)
Australian National Botanic Gardens
Mr G. Butler (Registrar)
Australian National Botanic Gardens
Australian Nursery Industry Association
(One representative)
Australian Institute of Horticulture
(Federal Council, one representative)
Mr G. Brown
Darwin Botanic Gardens
Dr G. Guymer
Queensland Herbarium
Dr L. Haegi
Botanic Garden of Adelaide
Mr R. McKinnon
Mt Coo-tha Botanic Gardens, Brisbane
Mr A. May
Royal Tasmanian Botanic Gardens
Mr R. Page
Association of Societies for Growing Australian Plant
Mr W. Payne
Society for Growing Australian Plants (NSW), Publishing Section
Dr R. Spencer
Royal Botanic Gardens, Melbourne
Mr J. Wrigley, AM
Coffs Harbour
Dr P. Wycherly, OBE
Kings Park and Botanic Garden, Perth
Cultivars Registered in 1990-91
Cultivar Submitted by
Anigozanthos ‘Big Red’ K. Oliver, WA
Anigozanthos ‘Ruby Jools’ Perth Zoo Sponsorship, WA
Baeckea virgata ‘Wirreanda White Cascade H. Smith, NSW
Banksia ericifolia ‘Limelight’ P. Packham, NSW
Banksia integrifolia ‘Roller Coaster’ Austraflora Nurseries, Vic
Brachyscome ‘ Valencia’ P. Shaw, Qld
Correa Candy Pink’ P. Ollerenshaw, NSW
Correa glabra ‘Inglewood Gold’ B. Grose, Vic.
Grevillea ‘ Sunrise’ D. Shiells, Vic
Grevillea ‘Cherry Brandy’ D. Burke, NSW
Grevillea rosmarinifolia ‘Rosy Posy’ Austraflora Nurseries, Vic.
Melaleuca thymifolia ‘Little Beauty’ Goldup Nurseries, Vic.
Pimelea linifolia ‘ Diamond Head’ Dept of Agriculture, NSW
Sponsor |
Conference |
ANPWS, Endangered Species Unit |
Part sponsorship of Protective |
Donor• |
Type of material |
Ambassador of Belgium |
Books |
Australian Archives |
Books |
Australian National University Botany Department |
Books |
M. Clements |
Books, journals |
M. Crisp |
Books, journals |
J. Croft |
Books, reports, reprints |
J. Curnow |
Books |
M.Fagg |
Books |
Estate of the late J. S. Farrell |
Plates from Orchids of Austtralia by W. H. Nichols |
Flora Publication Unit |
Books |
Friends of the Botanic Garden of Adelaide |
Books |
J. Foster |
Books |
W. Ganter |
Books, journals |
D. Jones |
Books |
L. Lockwood |
Journals |
Society for Growing Australian Plants, Canberra |
Newsletters |
G. Mc Craith (representing the Australian Orchid Foundation) |
Facsimile of an orchid illustration by Sydney Parkinson |
L. Meredith |
Books |
National Parks Association of the ACT |
Journals |
H. Streimann |
Books |
B. Wallace |
Books, journals |
Live Plants and Propagation Material
Donor |
Recipient |
Australian National Botanic Gardens |
Biology Dept, Osnabroek, Germany (seed)
Donated to the ANBG |
Type of material |
Mr L. Bird |
Seed of Queensland flora |
Mr R. Burns |
Cuttings and seed from Tasmanian flora |
Mr. C Goudey |
Ferns |
Mr W. Jones |
Cuttings of Epacris hamiltonii |
Mr P. Ollerenshaw |
Cuttings of a new species of Grevillea |
Mr and Ms Raine |
Transplant juveniles of Banksia integrifolia var. compar montane form’ |
Mr J. Ryan |
Cymbidium species from India |
Mr H. Slade |
Orchids from Thailand and the Solomon Islands |
Mr P. Spence |
Orchids from PNG |
Donor |
Description |
Mrs I. Adler |
Photographs of Australian flora |
Mr F. Davies |
Photographs of Australian flora |
Mr D. Skirrow |
Photographs of Australian flora |
Vascular Plants
Laurie Adams, CSIRO, Canberra (Acacia, Cartonema, Gentianella)
Jim Armstrong, Herbarium of Western Australia (Zieria, Rutaceae)
Barbara Barnsley, Canberra (Northern Territory Collections)
John Briggs, CSIRO, Canberra (Threatened Plants, Diliwyma)
Ian Brooker, CSIRO, Canberra (Eucalyptus)
Patrick Brownsey, National Museum of New Zealand (Asplenium, mosses)
Jeremy Bruhl, Australian National University, Canberra (Cyperaceae, Euphorbiaceae)
Roger Carolin, Berry, NSW (Goodenia)
Jenny Chappill, University of Western Australia (Legume systematics, Jacksonia)
Arthur Court, Canberra (Acacia)
Mark Coode, Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, UK (Elaeocarpaceae)
Lyn Craven, CSIRO, Canberra (Myrtaceae)
Phillip Cribb, Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, UK (Orchids)
Michael Crisp, Australian National University (Fabaceae and other families)
Isobel Crawford, Canberra (ACT regional collections)
Jeff & Jane Doyle, Bailey Hortorium, New York (Legumes)
Hansjorg Eichler, CSIRO (Ranunculaceae)
Don Foreman, National Herbarium of Victoria (Herbarium databases)
Paul Forster, Queensland Herbarium (Asclepiadeace, Apocynaceae)
Rhys Gardner, Auckland Museum and Institute, New Zealand (Gahnia, Geranium)
Warren Gardner, Australian National University (Eucalyptus)
Phil Gilmour, Bishops Creek, NSW (ACT flora, Norfolk Island flora, Lauraceae)
Robert Gourlay, Canberra (Eucalyptus)
James Grimes, New York Botanical Garden, USA (Legumes)
Chantel Griveau, Paris, France (Symbiotic germination technqiues)
Gordon Guymer, Queensland Herbarium (Austromyrtus)
Ken Hill, New South Wales Herbarium (Eucalyptus)
Alan House, CSIRO (Eucalyptus)
Laurie Jessup, Queensland Herbarium (Annonaceae)
Jen Johnston, CSIRO (Pimelea)
Masashi Kaneda, Ministry of Agriculture, Japan (Potential food plants of fruit fly)
Titi Kolima, Bogor, Indonesia (Herbarium techniques)
Siegy Krauss, Wollongong University (Persoonia)
Carol Leach, Otari Native Plant Museum, Wellington, New Zealand (Herbarium techniques)
Yee Hwang, Natural Science Museum, Taiwan (Casuarinaceae)
Peter Linder, Bolus Herbarium, Capetown, South Africa (Pentaschistus)
Maria McCoy, Australian National University (Megachiropterids as pollination vectors)
Victor Masing, Tatu University, Estonia, USSR (Cryptogams and vascular plants)
Barbara Meurer-Grimes, New York Botanical Garden, USA (Dysphania)
Betty Millington, Gauba Herbarium, ANU, Canberra (Herbarium techniques)
Brian Molloy, DSIR, New Zealand (Orchids, conifers)
David Morrison, University of Technology, Sydney (Acacia)
Joel Mydaliar, Fiji Botanical Gardens (Herbarium techniques)
Peter Ormay, ACT Parks and Conservation Service (Plant identification)
Paddy Osborne, University of Papua New Guinea (Herbarium databases)
Margaret Parris, Merimbula (NSW south-coast collections)
Alex Pridgeon, Miami, USA (Orchid publications)
Barbara Quinn, Canberra (Acacia)
Bryan Simon, Queensland Herbarium (Iseilema)
Myknee Qusa Siricolo, Solomon Islands Forestry Authority (Herbarium techniques)
Andrew Slee, CSIRO (Eucalyptus)
Kevin Thiele, University of Melbourne (Banksia)
Helmut Toelken, State Herbarium, Adelaide (Kunzea, Crassulaceae)
Jef Veldkamp, Rijk Herbarium, Leiden, The Netherlands (Glossocardia)
Marfu’ah Wardani, Forest Research and Development Centre, Bogor, Indonesia (Herbarium techniques)
Judy West, CSIRO, Canberra (Herbarium databases, herbarium management, ASBS)
Ida Williams, Shrewport, Louisiana, USA (Orchids)
John Wrigley, Coffs Harbour (Leptospermum)
Zhu Xiaomei, Kunming Botanical Institute, China (Orchids)
Peter Althofer, Wellington, NSW (lichens)
William Culberson, Durham, USA (lichens)
Jack Elix, ANU Chemistry Dept, Canberra (lichens)
Heino Lepp, Canberra (fungal collections)
Thorsten Lumbuch, Essen, Germany (lichens)
Bronwen Myall, Coffs Harbour (mosses)
Gordon Myall, Coffs Harbour (lichens)
Helen P. Ramsay, Macquarie University, Sydney (mosses)
Meika von Samarzewski, Bredbo, NSW (fungi)
John Spence, USA (mosses)
June and Philip Upton, Cornwell, UK (lichens)
Doug Verdon, Chemistry Dept, ANU, Canberra (programming, cryptogams)
Student Visitors
Students from the Australian National University and the University of Canberra visited the Herbarium in groups and individually for instruction in collection techniques and the role of herbaria.
Botany Section (Collectors
R. Angus, Dee Why, NSW (orchid collections)
L. Barton, Ipswich, QId (orchid collections)
R. Bates, Adelaide, SA (orchid collections)
A. D. Bishop (orchid collections)
C. Bower, Orange, NSW (orchid collections)
P. Branwhite, Albury, NSW (orchid collections)
R. Burns, Hobart, Tas. (Tasmanian flora)
R. Crane, SE Qid (orchid collections)
I. Crawford, Canberra, ACT (regional flora)
G. D’Aubert (orchid collections)
E. Foster, Belmont, Vic. (orchid collections)
P. Gilmour, Thora, NSW (regional flora)
C. Goudey, Lara, Vic. (fern collections)
C. Harmer, O’Reilleys, Qld (orchid collections)
R. Heberle, Albany, WA (orchid collections)
L. Lawler, Atherton, Qid (orchid collections)
L. Marshall, Vic. (orchid collections)
S. Pearson, Eungella, QId (orchid collections)
T. Pederson, Blackdown Tableland, QId (orchid collections)
R. Purdie, Aust. Heritage Commission (regional flora)
H. Ranken (orchid collections)
H. Richards, Melbourne, Vic. (orchid collections)
J. Riley, Lumeah, NSW (orchid collections)
J. Roberts, SE QId (orchid collections)
R. Robertson, Cooktown, Qid (orchid collections)
C. Sandercoe, QId NPWS, Mogill, QId (orchid collections)
M. Thomas, Berwick, Vic. (orchid collections)
R. Tunstall, Keiraville, NSW (orchid collections)
A. Williams, Minto, NSW (orchid collections)
R. Williamson, Coles Bay, Tas. (orchid collections)
Botany Section (Honorary Associates)
J. Elix, ANU, Canberra, ACT (lichens)
H. Lepp, Canberra, ACT (fun)
J. Marsh, Canberra, ACT (library)
E. Mullins, Canberra, ACT (general collections)
M. Parris, Merimbula, NSW (regional flora)
Visitor Services
C. Carlon (Banksia Centre)
F. Collins (Banksia Centre)
B. Daly (Banksia Centre, In Flower This Week)
S. Edwards (Batiksia Centre)
L. Horsnell (In Flower This Week)
T. McLaughlan (Banksia Centre)
K. Rowlands (Banksia Centre)
N. Smith (Banksia Centre)
H. Vivian (Banksia Centre)
ACRA (Inc.)
J. England (Assistant Registrar)
Forum Staff involved
Taxonomic Databases Working Group, Delphi, Greece J. Croft, R. Hnatiuk
Council of Heads of Australian Botanic Gardens, Canberra R. Hnatiuk
Council of Heads of Australian Herbaria, Melbourne, Victoria M. Crisp
Australian Systematic Botany Society Symposium, Canberra J. Croft, M. Crisp, M. Clements, I. Telford
International Congress on Education in Botanic Gardens University of Utrecht, The Netherlands J. Foster
Australasian Institute of Fundraising Convention, Adelaide, SA A. Joyce
Australian Native Orchid Conference, Wollongong, NSW M. Clements D. Jones
International’ Association for Plant Taxonomy, workshop Improving the Stability of Plant Names’, Kew, England R. Hnatiuk
International Association of Plant Taxonomists, nomenclature sub committee for the International Code of Botanical Nomenclature, Kew, England R. Hnatiuk
Willie Hennig Society Conference, Canberra M. Clements, M. Crisp, I. Telford
Sydney Fungal Studies Group Workshop J. Curnow
New Zealand Bryophyte Workshop J. Curnow H. Streimann
Purpose Locality Staff
Adenochilis, Rimacola Blue Mountains , NSW Corinna Broers Mark Clements David Jones
Blue Mountains flora, including endangered species - Blue Mountains, NSW Gino Corsini P Hind**, Andrew Lyne Peter Schumack
Caladenia, Diuris Abercrombie, NSW Corinna Broers
David Jones
Caladenia, Diuris, Pterostylis Stawell, and the Grampians,Vic. P. Branwhite*** Corinna Broers David Jones
Caladenia, Pterostylis Nelson Bay and Port Macquarie, NSW Corinna Broers David Jones
Cryptogams Abercrombie Caves, NSW Judith Curnow Jack Elix* Heino Lepp*** Heinar Streimann
Cryptogams Blue Water Holes, NSW Judith Curnow, Faye Davies Heinar Streimann
Cryptogams Cooleman Plains, NSW Jack Elix* John Spence*** Heinar Streimann
Cryptogams Errinunundra Plateau, Vic Judith Curnow Heinar Streimann
Cryptogams Jervis Bay, NSW Jack Elix Andrew Lyne Heinar Streimann Doug Verdon*
Cryptogams North Queensland Judith Curnow Heinar Streimann
Diuris, Pterostylis s Armidale, NSW Corinna Broers David Jones
Diuris, Pterostylis Bargo—Douglas Park, NSW Corinna Broers David Jones
Diuris, Pterostylis Mudgee, NSW Corinna Broers David Jones
Endangered species, especially, Cynanchum elegansHakea pulvinifera and Tylophora
woollsii - Eastern NSW Faye Davies Mark Richardson
Eriochilus Long Flat, ACT Corinna Broers David Jones Peter Ormay****
Eriophyid mites on Prostanthera ANBG Stuart Donaldson
Flora of south-eastern South-eastern Queensland especially dry and wet rainforest and the brigalow country South -eastern Queensland J. Bruhl Rebecca Rudd Ian Telford
Grevillea Tumut, NSW Faye Davies Bob Makinson
Liparis, Habenaria, Macrozamia Pilliga, Noosa Heads Jimna, QId Corinna Broers Mark Clements David Jones
Orchid studies Vanuatu Mark Clements
Orchidaceae Tasmania Corinna Broers David Jones
Pterostylis Conimbla National Park , NSW Corinna Broers David Jones
Pterostylis clavigera Mudgee—Gulgong, NSW Corinna Broers David Jones
* Australian National University
**Royal Botanic Gardens, Sydney
***Honorary Associate
****ACT Government
Chappill, J. A., Crisp, M. D. & Prober, S. M.* 1990
‘Eucalyptus elaeophloia a new species from the Nunniong Plateau, Victoria’, Aust, Sys. Bot. 3: 275-279
Clements, M. A. and Ziesing, P. 1990
Preliminary Report on the Results of the Schlechter-Lauterbach Commemorative Expedition Studies in the Phylogeny of the Australasian Orchidaceae, Australian National Botanic Gardens Occasional Publication, Number 12
Clements, M. A. and Jones, D. L. 1990
‘Recently Named Australian Orchid Taxa 1: Dendrobium’, Lindleyana 5(4): 235- 243
Clements, M. A., Jones, D. L. and Molloy, B. P. J.* 1991
‘Recently Named Australian Orchid Taxa 2: Thelymitra’, Lindleyana 6(1): 59-60.
Crisp, M. D. 1990
On the typification of Brachysema latifolium R. Br.’ Glasra, new series 1(1): 9
Crisp, M. D. 1990
‘Contributions towards a revision of Daviesia Smith (Fabaceae: Mirbelieae): 1:
The D. squarrosa group’ Aust. Syst. Bot. 3: 241-251
Crisp, M. D. 1990
Book Review of A Fieldguide to Native Peaftowers of Victoria and Southeastern
Australia, by Dorothy Wollcock Aust. Sys. Bot. Soc. Newsletter 62: 18-19
Crisp, M. D. 1990
Book Review of The Evolution and Classification of Flowering Plants, 2nd ed, by Arthur Cronquist Aust. Sys. Bot. Soc. Newsletter 63: 16-19
Crisp, M. D. 1991
Book Review of Wonderful Life: The Burgess Shale and the Nature of History, by Stephen Jay Gould Cladistics 7: 104-107
Crisp, M. D. and Taylor, J. M. 1990
‘A new species of Bentleya E. Bennett from southern Western Australia’ Bot. J. Linn. Soc. 108: 309-315
Crisp, M. D. and Weston, P. H.* 1991
‘Almaleea a new genus of Fabaceae from south-eastern Australia’, Telopea 4: 307-
Harvey , R. 1990
‘A Rainforest in Canberra’ Australian Garden Journal, September 1990
Jones, D. L. 1991
‘New’Taxa of Australian Orthidaceae’, Australian Orchid Research 2: 1-208
Makinson, R. 0. 1991
‘Two New Species of Astrotricha (Araliaceae) from New South Wales’, Telopea 4(2): 313-319
Makinson, R.O. and Olde, P. M.* 1991
‘A New Species of Grevillea (Proteaceae Grevilleoideae) from South-West Western Australia’, Telopea 4(2): 351-355
Meredith, L. D., Crisp, M. D. & Taylor, J. M. 1990
‘Chorizema varium an extinct Australian species’, The Plantsman 11: 246-250
Streimann, H. 1990
‘New Hepatic Records from New Guinea’, J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 69: 1-34
Streimann, H. 1991
‘Taxonomic Studies on Australian Meteoriaceae (Musci). 1: Introduction and the genus Papillaria’, J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 69: 203-256
Streimann, H. 1991
‘Taxonomic Studies on Australian Meteoriaceae (Musci). 2: The genera Aerobryopsis, Barbella, Floribundaria, Meteoriopsis, Metoerium and Weymouthia.’, J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 69: 277-312
Streimann, H. 1991
‘Taxonomic Studies on Australian Meteoriaceae (Musci). 3: Papillaria nitens (Hook. f. & Wils.) Sainsb.’, J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 70: 43-50
This table summarises the current data on the Census of Australian Vascular Plants data base. The figures in brackets represent the data at the first publication of the Census in 1990. The table refers to vascular plants.
Number of taxa
species subspecies varieties forms
Western Australia
Native 7473 (7463) 419 (351) 489 (486) 37 (37)
naturalized 856 (853) 26 (26) 42 (41) 1 (1)
total 8329 (8316) 445 (377) 531 (527) 38 (38)
Northern Territory
Native 3302 (3293) 163 (149) 330 (328) 14 (14)
naturalized 263 (262) 8 (9) 11(11) 0 (0)
total 3565 (3555) 171 (158) 341 (339 ) 14 (14)
South Australia
Native 2728 (2748) 194 (181) 295 (296) 22 (22)
naturalized 934 (927) 40 (39) 36 (35) 1 (1)
total 3662 (3675) 234 (220) 331 (331) 23 (23)
Native 6866 (7535) 326 (341) 637 (712) 34 (37)
naturalized 982 (1161) 32 (42) 53 (61) 1 (1)
total 7848 (8696) 358 (383) 690 (773) 35(38)
New South Wales
Native 4705 (4677) 269 (223) 260 (254 ) 13(13)
naturalized 1258 (1253) 34 (34) 40 (39) 1 (1)
total 5963 (5930) 303 (257) 300 (293) 14 (14)
Native 2772 (2773) 164 (151) 192 (188) .4 (4)
naturalized 826 (820) 25(24) 28 (28) 1 (1)
total 3598 (3593) 189 (175) 220 (216) 5 (5)
Native 1623 (1627) 63 (61) 77 (71) 2 (2)
naturalized 577 (570) 15 (15) 13 (12) 1(1)
total 2200 (2197) 78 (76) 90 (83) 3 (3)
NATIVE 15736 (15638) 923 (787) 1365 (1355) 81(81)
NATURALISED 1999 (1952) 76 (74) 110 (107) 1 (1)
TOTAL 17735 (17590) 999 (861) 1475 (1462) 82 (82)
Phylogenetic analysis of suprageneric taxa of Fabaceae
Jenny Chappill, University of Western Australia; Peter Weston, National Herbarium of New South Wales and Michael Crisp, ANBG
Cladistic and biogeographic analysis of the subtribe Embothriinae (Proteaceae)
Peter Weston, National Herbarium of New South Wales; S. Fleur, De Paul University, Chicago, USA and Michael Crisp, ANBG
Description of new species of Pultenaea (Fabaceae)
John Briggs, CSIRO Division of Plant Industry and Michael Crisp, ANBG
Description of two new genera of Fabaceae
Peter Weston, National Herbarium of NSW and Michael Crisp, ANBG
Phenetic Analysis and Revision of Telopea (Proteaceae)
Peter Weston, National Herbarium of NSW and Michael Crisp, ANBG
Revision of Australian Oreocallis (Proteaceae)
Peter Weston, National Herbarium of NSW and Michael Crisp, ANBG
Norfolk Island and Lord Howe Island Moss flora
Helen Ramsay, Macquarie university; Dale Vitt, University of Alberta, Canada and Heinar Streimann, ANBG
Norfolk Island Lichen flora
Jack Elix, ANU Canberra and Heinar Streimann, ANBG
Catalogue of New Zealand Orchidaceae
Brian Molloy, Department of Scientific and Industrial Research, Christchurch, New Zealand; Mark Clements and David Jones, ANBG
Collections made by Robert Brown (1801-05) related to his diary notes David Moore, British Museum (Natural History), UK and Mark Clements, ANBG
Pollination biology of orchids database
Jim Armstrong, Western Australian Herbarium; Mark Clements, ANBG and David Jones, ANBG
Isozyme studies of Zieria species (rare taxa from Nowra)
Jim Armstrong, Western Australian Herbarium and Ish Sharma, ANBG
Isozyme studies of Hibiscus insularis
Jim Armstrong, Western Australian Herbarium and Ish Sharma, ANBG
Report on seed dispersal of Dendrobium insigne by ants in Papua New Guinea
D. Benzing, Ohio, USA and Mark Clements, ANBG
Revision of Astrotricha (Araliaceae)
Murray Henwood, Sydney University and Bob Makinson, ANBG
Revision of Jacksonia (Fabaceae)
Jenny Chappill, University of Western Australia and Ian Telford, ANBG